Altis Grand Central
City of Tampa, Florida
Altis Grand Central, an incredible urban infill apartment mixed-use development that required critical approval for the permit of trees to ensure its success. Situated on a diverse site with parking lots, single-family homes, businesses, and vacant lots, three trees stood out as potential grand trees. A thorough study was conducted, which revealed one hazardous tree and two grand trees.

To preserve the essence of the site, the redevelopment included two courtyards, with one specifically designed to protect one of these grand oaks. After careful analysis, the City chose one tree to be transplanted, resulting in the construction of the apartment around it. Additionally, numerous trees were transplanted off-site and returned once the construction was finished.

Although facing challenges in its new location, the relocated grand tree received support through the addition of grow lights attached to the building. Today, this tree thrives, serving as a testament to the success of Altis Grand Central’s vision.

Project Service:
Land Plan:
Apartment Site Plan
Landscape Architecture:
Programing Site
Hardscape & Landscape Plans
Permit Landscape Plans
Irrigation Plan
Lighting Plan